Hasardeur 2

Hasardeur 2, 2013

Studio am Wasser, Zurich360° recording of the artist’s studio
600 single images over 3 hours,
recorded with computer-controlled SLR camera, June 2013

Hasardeur 2 was created for the exhibition Halbautomat – Semiautomatic Photography at Luciano Fasciati Gallery. During three hours, Spinatsch automatically recorded a 360-degree panorama view of his studio, while working with his assistant on the model of the exhibition, due to open in three months. It is at once a contemporary take on classic motif of the artist’s studio and a contemporary “making of” documentation.

Hasardeur 2 exists in two versions. Version 1 was shown in the gallery exhibition. Contrary to his usual practice, Spinatsch decided not to show the entire panorama. He sent Fasciati the 600 image files recorded during the three hours and asked him to select the images and to curate a show with them in the cabinet of the gallery, an exhibition within the exhibition. Like the recording of the images, the selection process was delegated by Spinatsch.

Version 2 is an installation of the entire panorama in a purpose-built room. The visitor enters through the window into the panorama. Since the camera was not placed in the geometrical center of the room, but rather pragmatically on the table, the depiction of the studio is asymmetrical. Consequently, the scale of the reproduction ranges from 1:1 to 1:4.


Hasardeur II

Auszug aus einem Text von Christoph Doswalds

Jules Spinatsch hat keinen „moment décisif“, keinen entscheidenden Augenblick ­mit­zuteilen, wie ihn Henri Cartier-Bresson einst als Paradigma für das gute fotografische Bild postulierte. Als konzeptuellen Gegenentwurf initiiert Spinatsch eine lange Reise mit der ­Kamera, eine Fahrt in genau determinierten horizontalen und vertikalen Bewegungsschritten. Das Resultat ist eine widersprüchliche Kombination von Planung und Zufall, Überraschung und Erwartungen, dessen Rezeption an die Betrachter delegiert wird. Die Strategie des Delegierens künstlerischer Arbeit zeigt sich noch pointier­ter beim Projekt mit dem Titel Hasardeur.
Während der Vorbereitung zur Ausstellung in der Galerie Luciano Fasciati hat Spinatsch mit seiner steuerbaren Kamera 600 Bilder im eigenen Atelier aufgenommen: Fragmente von Werken, Details des Studios oder auch des 1:10 Modells der Galerie selbst. Alle diese Bilder, die gewissermassen den Prozess der Ausstellungsgenese dokumentieren, hat er dem Galeristen übergeben – verbunden mit dem Auftrag, das Format, die Auswahl und die Hängung der Bilder aus seiner eigenen Perspektive vorzunehmen.

Hasardeur 2

While we were working on the exhibition with a 1:10 model in my studio, I placed the camera system in the middle of the room. It was programmed to record a 360° panorama of 600 image over 3 hours. The single image where never assembled to a complete panorama image, rather I wanted to do a book with 600 pages (as the earlier prototype*), showing the state of my studio on a particular day, in 600 fragments. It is at the same time a „making of“ the exhibition but also kind of portrait, since it recorded also personal details like an birthday invitation, or a photograph of my girlfriend etc. But first they show fragments of the space, works to come, abandoned or old works, , materials boxes, books, dust, the arm of my assistant and lot of abstract images of surfaces or angles. Then I decided in the context of the exhibition it would be consequent if I delegate not only the recording but also the selection and arrangement of the work. So I programmed also the the gallery owner, not only the camera. Luciano Fasciati received the 600 files. I explained the recording. Instructed him to do what he likes with them, in the cabinet space of the gallery. He can include other works if wishes.
* Hasardeur 1, prototype, 140 images bound, A4 size. October 2012